Membership Terms and Conditions

I hereby apply to become a member of the Australia Myanmar Institute for Democracy, Human Rights and Peace Ltd. (AMIDHRP Limited) a charity registered in Australia with local, national, and international operating rights.

I have accessed a copy of the Constitution from the website and agree to comply with the Rules and Policies of the Institute. I support the purpose of the Institute as listed in the Constitution and reproduced in part below. By completing this Membership Application Form I agree to follow the Constitution and Charitable purposes of the AMIDHRP Limited.

  • support the application of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in Myanmar.
  • raise funds to assist in the pursuit of democracy, human rights, and peace in Myanmar.
  • lobby all levels of government in Australia, as well as the international community, to encourage advocacy and support for democracy, human rights, and peace in Myanmar.
  • raise public awareness and educate the Australian and international community about the situation in Myanmar.

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