AMIDHRP Website Launch

Posted on September 20, 2022

After two years of hard work and dedication, the Directors of the Australia Myanmar Institute for Democracy, Human Rights and Peace Limited (AMIDHRP) are delighted to officially announce the launch of our newly designed website. Visit our website at We wanted to make the new website faster, easier to navigate, and more user-friendly. Please cruise through our website regularly for all the updates and if you like to support our Myanmar aid causes by becoming a member or by making a Donation that would greatly be appreciated.

As the largest a Company and Charity with a Not-For-Profit status for both Myanmar and Australia, our Institute has a focus on the international Myanmar and Australian communities. Hence, it’s important for us to make information easily accessible regarding our leadership, services, and program trends for our current and prospective members via our website. We endeavour to provide our AMIDHRP Working Groups’ current and prospective members with the most accurate, up-to-date information and share our knowledge and expertise in the field of Myanmar Aid project development and management.

Our goal with this new website is to provide our AMIDHRP Working Groups’ members overseas and casual visitors to our site with an easier way to learn about the various Working Group Services and Events and to browse through information based on their own choice. The new website gives better access to our organization’s AMIDHRP Standards and Certifications via our Constitution. There are also details on our Conferences, Seminars and Workshops, as well as improved Careers pages and Training Courses information, such as, educational, and vocational support offered by our partners and many more links.

We will be constantly updating our content with helpful information, cutting edge development of leaders, company announcements, and Member successes in the Blog, Media, and Information Centre. You can also sign up to become a Member and receive our monthly newsletter.

We would also like to thank our amazing volunteers at AMIDHRP Thailand Working Group, India Working Group and Malaysia Working Group and Myanmar Working Group (TIMM Group) who donated their time and energy to make this organization what it is, and our website development partners who have been fantastic partner in the development of our website – we wholeheartedly recommend them.

For any questions, suggestions, feedback, or comments, please e-mail us at or contact us through the website.

Best Regards,

Go Suan Pau

Kingsley Head

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