Aims and Mission

The Australia Myanmar Institute for Democracy, Human Rights and Peace Limited (AMIDHRP) is an independent Not for Profit Charity, based in Adelaide South Australia, with close links to the people of Myanmar and the Myanmar diaspora communities around the world. Our overarching aim is to provide humanitarian and development aid both directly and through our partner Organisations based on our Overseas Aid Fund.

As a registered charity operating both in Australia and Myanmar, we have a focus on international affairs and encourage public debate in the promotion and protection of human rights. We have examined the past, present, and future threats to democracy and human rights in Myanmar and will offer assistance, and advice services to its people and leaders in order that a legitimate government can be reinstated, and that law and order and peace can be restored.

We have established a range of services and resources to support our aims and mission including social media services providing up-to-date news service in English and Myanmar script to the people of Myanmar. We encourage new members to join our Institute to take advantage of a range of special services.

Charitable purpose

The company’s object is to pursue the following charitable purpose(s) via local, national, and global partnerships to:

  • support the application of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in Myanmar.
  • raise funds to assist in the pursuit of democracy, human rights, and peace in Myanmar.
  • lobby all levels of government in Australia, as well as the international community, to encourage advocacy and support for democracy, human rights, and peace in Myanmar.
  • raise public awareness and educate the Australian and international community about the situation in Myanmar.

Services and Resources

  • Development and humanitarian aid funding.
  • Support to organisations to help restore a democratic government in Myanmar.
  • Media services including News releases from our foreign correspondents.
  • Education Pathway advice and links.
  • NGO Jobs/employment opportunities for Myanmar nationals.
  • Visa Advice and links.
  • Scholarship support.
  • Refugee support.

Our motto: "Unity is Strength"

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Making a donation is the ultimate sign of solidarity. Actions speak louder than words.

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