Myanmar Migration to Australia: The Facts


At the end of June 2020, 40,630 Myanmese-born people were living in Australia. This was almost twice the number (23,260) at 30 June 2010. This makes the Myanmese-born population the fortieth largest migrant community in Australia, equivalent to 0.5 per cent of Australia's overseas-born population and 0.2 per cent of Australia's total population.

For Australia's Myanmese-born migrants:

  • The median age of 39.2 years was 1.4 years above that of the general population.
  • Males outnumbered females—50.5 per cent compared with 49.5 per cent. 1

1 Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Migration Australia 

Permanent migration

Australia's permanent Migration Program incorporates economic and family migration and is the main pathway to permanent residence. It includes the Skill stream, Family stream and Special Eligibility visas. The only other way to obtain permanent residence is on humanitarian grounds.

Skill stream visas

The Skill stream is designed for workers who have the skills, qualifications and entrepreneurship most needed in the Australian economy. There are seven components:

  1. Business Innovation and Investment
  2. Distinguished Talent
  3. Employer Sponsored
  4. Global Talent (Independent)
  5. Regional
  6. Skilled Independent
  7. State/Territory Nominated.​

Family and Child stream visas

The Family stream allows the permanent migration of close family members, of Australian citizens, permanent residents, and eligible New Zealand citizens. It focuses on partners and parents, but also provides the opportunity for additional family members, such as aged dependent relatives, carers, remaining relatives and orphan relatives, to join their family in Australia.

Child visas allow the permanent migration of children, of Australian citizens, permanent residents, and eligible New Zealand citizens. The Child visa comprises two categories, namely Child and Adoption visas.

Special Eligibility visas

Special Eligibility visas allow former residents and certain people who served in the Australian Defence Force to live in Australia as permanent residents.

The following table shows the size of permanent migration (including humanitarian) from Myanmar by migration category.​​

Table 1: Permanent migrant places granted, 2017–18 to 2020–21
Migration category2017–182018–192019–202020–21
Business Innovation and Investment< 5< 50< 5
Employer Sponsored33401737
Skilled Regional 111< 5n/an/a
Skilled Independent683667
State/Territory Nominated33333650
Regional 2n/an/a1615
Global Talent (Independent) 3n/an/a69
All other categories 417372718
Total places granted309287240411
Humanitarian Program 5
Offshore resettlement component (country of birth) 62,1042,039796656
Onshore protection component (by citizenship) 76< 5167

1 The Skilled Regional category closed to new applications from 1 July 2019.

2 The Regional migration category commenced 1 July 2019.

3 Global Talent (Independent) category commenced 4 November 2019.

4 Data has been perturbed to protect the privacy of individuals.

Source: Department of Home Affairs

Useful weblinks

Myanmar Migrants

Permanent migration from myanmar ( Migrant Resource Centre

Australian Migrant Resource Centre (

Skilled Workers List

Skilled occupation list (

Australian Citizenship Application

Australian Citizenship Application | FileRight

A case Study

A Sample of Immigration advice for a person seeking a state sponsored visas for the Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa program

NB: This was legal advice from an Immigration Lawyer for a person from an American nation who had completed a Bachelors Degree in Hotel and Hospitality Management.  It illustrates just how complicated this process can be.

“I confirm from your qualifications in Hotel and Hospitality Management you would be able to gain visas on the following occupations;

  • Accommodation and hospitality manager; • Cafe or restaurant manager; • Conference and event organiser; • Customer service manager; • Or hotel\motel service manager. As per my discussion advice, you will be required to choose one of these occupations to complete your skills assessment and make the application for. I have recommended that you proceed with Accommodation and Hospitality manager or Customer Services Manager as these are the most unlikely to fall off the skills list. Having said this all five of these occupations are on the Short Term Strategic Skills List and therefore we cannot guarantee that they will remain on the list. I will provide advice the following advice to you on the Visa applications available to you – however I have managed these around the Accommodation and Hospitality manager. As discussed in my advice, all of these occupations have the same Visa options You are entitled to make an applications;
  • 190 skilled Visa; • 491 Visa;. • 494 Visa; and • 482 Visa.
  • The 190 and 491 Visa are state sponsored Visas. They will require you to undertake a positive skills assessment. We summarise the state visas below. Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa – Subclass 491 The Skilled Work Regional visa application has multiple parts and each application is lodged using an elodgement system and processed by the Australian Immigration Department. The parts are; 1. Nomination for Position 2. Visa Application The applicant may be in Australia or overseas when the application is assessed
  • Nomination – You must be nominated to apply by a state or territory government agency. Submit an expression of interest (EOI) for the visa to get an estimate of your points score. If you score enough points, state and territory government agencies can see your EOI and might nominate you for the visa. If you are nominated for the visa, we will invite you to apply. All state and territory government agencies have their own criteria for deciding who they will nominate.
  • Visa Application – When the nomination has been approved Department of Home Affairs –(DHA), will then consider the visa application of the applicant. At this stage we need to demonstrate that they have the skills, qualifications and general employment background relevant to the nominated occupation. The applicant must demonstrate they will have adequate arrangements for health insurance in Australia and must satisfy health and character criteria. Summary of requirements
  • You must be nominated for the position • The nomination must be approved • The applicant must be aged under 45 to be invited to apply for the visa. • The applicant must meet the requirements of the occupation they are applying for • For your application to be valid you must have a suitable skills assessment • The applicant must have worked in the nominated field for 2 years or more • Police checks are required for the countries where you have resided for 12 months or more • You must meet the English requirements of the occupation – IELTS Band Score of 5.0 • And you must meet all the health and character requirements This is a 5-year visa. You can stay in Australia for 5 years. Live, work and study in a designated regional area of Australia. Travel to and from Australia as many times as you want, while the visa is valid.

It is important that all these documents are provided as it may delay your application if they are not provided. • Passport • Birth Certificate • Police Certificate (for any country resided in for 12 months or more) • Marriage Certificate (if applicable) • Divorce Certificate (if applicable) • IELTS Results • CV • Skills Assessment • Work References x 3 • Payslips/Tax Returns x 3 • Photograph – Colour (taken within last 6 months passport size) Skilled Nominated Visa – Subclass 1900433 694 906

This visa allows you to live and work in any parts of Australia as a permanent resident if you are nominated by the State or Australian Territory on an invited pathway, If you are applying through the invited pathway we also need an expression of interest through Skills Select and Immigration SA. Skills Select would then provide your details to the Australian State or Territory agency that nominated you. To be eligible for this visa you must; • Have the relevant occupation • Have a suitable skills assessment – this is to be obtained – AACA (Architects Accreditation Council of Australia) • Meet the minimum points mark of 65 • Be nominated by the relevant state or territory • Be under the age of 45 at the time of the application Documents required When submitting a 190 application the following documentary evidence is required. It is important that all these documents are provided as it may delay your application if they are not provided. • Passport • Birth Certificate • Police Certificate (for any country resided in for 12 months or more) • Marriage Certificate (if applicable) • Divorce Certificate (if applicable) • IELTS Results • CV • Skills Assessment • Work References x 3 • Payslips/Tax Returns x 3 • Photograph – Colour (taken within last 6 months passport size)


  • What application forms must I complete? These are all a online application form through an email account;
  • What documentation needs to go with my application? We have provided you and attached for your records a copy of documents;
  • Will I need to do a skills test? Yes, you will need to complete a skills assessment.
  • How does sponsorship work for 190 and 186 Visa? We have addressed 190 above. However you are not entitled to a 186 Visa for the occupations that your experience falls within.
  • What do I need to get to get sponsorship? These are questions are noted above
  • How long will the overall process take? This has been addressed above.
  • What are the costs that I must meet? If you are lodging a State Sponsored Visa you are in you are required to lodge the costs of all lodgement and legal fees. If you are lodging an employer sponsored Visa, you can then ask the employer to pay for part of the costs.
  • What are the chances of getting PR person with my experience and qualifications? My recommendation is to proceed with the 491 the regional Visa and then progressed to PR. The amount of invitations for the 190 Visas have lowered and I would have concerns about you waiting for an invitation for this Visa and not receiving the invitation to make application before your current Visa runs out. Therefore, my recommendation is that you will your qualifications whilst do meet PR standards, however given the current climate, the safer route is to file a 491 Visa.
  • Will my type of work have been moved from the skilled migration list? This could happen as the list is always changing!
  • Do I need an agent to assist with the process and have a better chance of success? Yes
  • What are the costs? For all for the 491 and 190 Visa, it is best to contact a registered Immigration Agent to get advice and assistance in applying for a visa.”

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