The First Joint Meeting of the Australia Myanmar Institute for Democracy, Human Rights and Peace and the United Myanmar Community of South Australia

Posted on October 16, 2022

ADELAIDE, 15 October 2022 - The first joint meeting of the Australia Myanmar Institute for Democracy, Human Rights and Peace and the United Myanmar Community of South Australia was held at the Wittber Room, Salisbury Community Hub on Saturday 15th October 2022, from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm.

The Australia Myanmar Institute for Democracy, Human Rights and Peace welcomed the board of directors from the United Myanmar Community of South Australia to the first joint meeting organized since the military coup in 2021. Chaired by Kingsley Head, Secretary of the “Institute,” the meeting started with a self-introduction of both members from the organizations to have a better understanding of the responsibilities of each participant.

The meeting focused on how to improve coordination between the two organizations in liaising and partnering with other organizations with the view to strengthen AMIDHRP project management and promote Australia-Myanmar cooperation.

There have been general reports on what the two organizations have accomplished since the military coup and the upcoming projects of the organizations were present at the meeting. The two organizations have actively organized joint activities and meeting with representatives of the local government authorities.

Mr. Kingsley Head and his team from the Australia Myanmar Institute for Democracy, Human Rights and Peace together with the United Myanmar Community of South Australia.

At the meeting, the two organizations spoke about a strategy to collaboratively work together to improve the outcomes for the Myanmar people in South Australia and projects and initiatives that will uplift and enhance the community of Myanmar in South Australia.

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