Speech to the Rally of Myanmar people and interested members of the public at Parliament House on 5th November, 2021

By Kingsley Head, Director & Secretary of the AMIDHRP
Posted on November 5, 2021

“A true Leader unites people does not divide them; Does not find faults with his people finds remedies does not sow hate but cultivates love”. An old American indigenous Indian people saying from a chief.

Reflecting on the actions of Senior General Min Aung Hlaing

and his undemocratic, unelected Tatmadaw and assorted Army and Police war criminals shows how desperate the Military have become in trying very unsuccessfully to govern the nation of Myanmar. It is 9 months since the coup d'état in February, and I seem to remember something about a new election in 12 months! Will this ever happen? I think not as the Junta cannot win against the process of true democracy!

ASEAN which the Junta hoped would support them has turned their back on the illegal regime.

The United Nations has voiced deep concerns about the situation in Myanmar.

The USA through its State department and Ambassadors in Myanmar has also voiced great concern for the people of Myanmar.

Unfortunately, Australia which is a neighbour has until recently shown minimal interest in what is happening in Myanmar. The news papers and electronic media shows very little of the situation in Myanmar.

The Australia Myanmar Institute for Democracy, Human Rights and Peace offers its support to the UMCSA and the people of Myanmar. As an Australian Company and soon to be registered Charity we are hoping to raise significant funds to help in a range of projects we have identified as part of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We are also a Facebook Group and Page with close to 11,000 members and at this stage have a major focus as a new media service and a chance for the people of Myanmar to find out what is happening in the world and locally in Myanmar. We have endured setback from Facebook by being having our administrators blocked from posting on Facebook for up to a month on trumped up charges of “not meeting community standards” and posting spam, hate mail and the like. We continue to struggle on until we build our official website free from Facebook!

What of the future?

I have spoken at almost every rally about the history of autocrats and dictators as this was my field as a secondary teacher and university lecturer. Let me remind you that no dictatorship have ever survived the resolve and actions of the people. Hitler, Suddam Hussein, Mumar Gadiffi, Edi Amin and many others litter the history books as failed undemocratic autocratic and failed regimes. In the end they die out and the people take over even if has to be by force.

Truth and Justice always wins out.

I remind you to never give up hope; remain strong as the motto of our Australia Myanmar Institute for Democracy, Human Rights and Peace says “Unity is Strength”.

Yes; Unity is strength because the people united will always win. Tell your people to Beat the pots and pans; not turn up for work; continue the civil disobedience movement and encourage the National Unity Government and the various state ethnic armed forces that are opposing the Junta. Particularly, in the Chin state which has been hit hard by the war criminal members of the Junta’s Tatmadaw.

Stay strong and fight this good cause and give as much support to your brothers and sisters in Myanmar.

Ayay Taw Pone—Aung Ya Mye

(Uprising—we shall win)

Ayay Taw Pone—Aung Ya Mye

(Uprising—we shall win)

Ayay Taw Pone—Aung Ya Mye

(Uprising—we shall win)

Breaking news:

Our political friends in the Upper House of the Parliament of South Australia including the Hon Clare Scriven, Hon Tung Ngo have given the Myanmar people great support with their recent motion on 1st December passed unanimously in a bi-partisan manner in parliament. We all look forward to working with them into the future to further the cause of democracy and restoration of peace in Myanmar.

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